Vaccine Detail
Recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus encoding HA from Influenza A virus (A/WSN/1933(H1N1)) |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: Recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus encoding HA from Influenza A virus (A/WSN/1933(H1N1))
- Target Pathogen: Influenza virus
- Target Disease: Influenza (flu)
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004168
- Type: Recombinant vector vaccine
- Status: Clinical trial
- Antigen: Influenza A virus (A/WSN/1933(H1N1)) HA hemagglutinin
- HA from Influenza A virus (A/WSN/1933(H1N1))
gene engineering:
- Type: Recombinant vector construction
- Description: Recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing an influenza virus hemagglutinin (HA) protein (Roberts et al., 1999)
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- Immunization Route: Intranasal
Host Response |
Mouse Response
- Host Strain: BALB/c
- Vaccination Protocol: Five- to 6-week-old female BALB/c mice from Charles River Laboratories were housed in filter-isolette cages upon arrival. The mice were inoculated no earlier than 4 days after arrival. Prior to inoculation (day 0), the mice were lightly anesthetized with Methoxyflurane (Mallinckrodt Veterinary, Inc., Mundelein, Ill.) and marked by ear punch. Twenty-five microliters of inoculum were delivered intranasally by 200-μl pipette to the anesthetized mice, and the mice were weighed in a plastic beaker to ±0.02 g. Boosts were administered in an identical fashion with viruses of equal kind, titer, and volume on day 21, unless otherwise indicated (Roberts et al., 1999).
- Challenge Protocol: Challenge was administered in a total volume of 50 μl per mouse on day 35 (Roberts et al., 1999) .
- Efficacy: A nonpathogenic vector of the cytoplasmic domain of the VSV G protein and expressing influenza virus HA (derived from Influenza A virus (A/WSN/1933(H1N1))) provides complete protection from lethal influenza virus challenge after intranasal administration. A second vector with VSV G deleted and expressing HA (DeltaG-HA) is also protective and nonpathogenic and has the advantage of not inducing neutralizing antibodies to the vector itself (Roberts et al., 1999).
References |
Roberts et al., 1999: Roberts A, Buonocore L, Price R, Forman J, Rose JK. Attenuated vesicular stomatitis viruses as vaccine vectors. Journal of virology. 1999; 73(5); 3723-3732. [PubMed: 10196265].