Cov19VaxKB: COVID-19 Vaccine Knowledge BaseWelcome to the COVID-19 Vaccine Knowledge Base! We aim to provide a comprehensive source of COVID-19 vaccine information, analysis tools, and updates. Click on a specific phase on the following image to access a comprehensive list of vaccines and related data for the corresponding stage of vaccine development:
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The following programs are highlighted features of the COVID-19 vaccine knowledge base:
Statistics: Cov19VaxKB currently includes 159 Phase 1-3 and authorized vaccines. In addition, Cov19VaxKB has collected an extensive list of preclinical COVID-19 vaccines and COVID-19 vaccine adverse event case report data. Provenance: All data in Cov19VaxKB originates from manual curation of reliable resources, including peer-reviewed journal publications. Cov19VaxKB includes an itemized relational database of COVID-19 vaccines. Cov19VaxKB citation: :
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