Vaccine Detail
M. tuberculosis DNA Vaccine APADNA priming and APAMVA boosting |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: M. tuberculosis DNA Vaccine APADNA priming and APAMVA boosting
- Target Pathogen: Mycobacterium tuberculosis
- Target Disease: Tuberculosis
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0011478
- Type: Other
- Status: Research
- Apa
gene engineering:
- Type: Recombinant vector construction
- Description:
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- DNA vaccine plasmid:
- DNA vaccine plasmid name:
- DNA vaccine plasmid VO ID: VO_0005030
- Immunization Route: Intradermal injection (i.d.)
Host Response |
Guinea pig Response
- Vaccination Protocol: Animals were immunized intradermally with APADNA, 200 μg, given three times, 4 weeks apart (at weeks 0, 4, and 8), followed by APAMVA, 10^7 PFU, given 4 weeks after the third DNA (at 12 weeks); or BCG Guindy, 10^6 CFU, given one time only (at week 0) or control DNA, 200 μg, given three times, 4 weeks apart (at weeks 0, 4, and 8), followed by MVA wild type, 10^7 PFU, given 4 weeks after the third DNA (at week 12) (Kumar et al., 2003).
- Challenge Protocol: Animals were challenged intramuscularly in the thigh muscle at 4 weeks after the last immunization with 2 × 10^5 viable M. tuberculosis strain NTI64719. This challenge dose was sufficient to cause measurable clinical illness in all control animals within a relatively short time frame of 6 weeks (Kumar et al., 2003).
- Efficacy: A poxvirus recombinant expressing the Apa protein conferred a significant level of protective immunity in guinea pigs against a challenge dose of virulent M. tuberculosis (Kumar et al., 2003).
References |
Kumar et al., 2003: Kumar P, Amara RR, Challu VK, Chadda VK, Satchidanandam V. The Apa protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis stimulates gamma interferon-secreting CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from purified protein derivative-positive individuals and affords protection in a guinea pig model. Infection and immunity. 2003; 71(4); 1929-1937. [PubMed: 12654810].