Vaccine Detail
CCPS-P64kR |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: CCPS-P64kR
- Target Pathogen: Neisseria meningitidis
- Target Disease: Meningitis
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004165
- Type: Conjugate vaccine
- Status: Research
- lpdA
gene engineering:
- Type: Recombinant protein preparation
- Description:
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- Adjuvant:
- Immunization Route: Not specified
Host Response |
Rat Response
- Vaccination Protocol: Rat pups, aged 5 or 6 days, were injected i.p. with 100 μl of sera ( from immunized mice) previously diluted 1:10 and ferric dextran (Carmenate et al., 2004).
- Challenge Protocol: One hour after immunization, infant rats were challenged with 10^7 cfu of meningococcal strain Z4181. The development of bacteremia was assessed by culturing the blood samples taken 4 h after challenge (Carmenate et al., 2004).
- Efficacy: Sera of the challenge group of mice immunized with CCPS-P64kR showed a three-fold higher bactericidal response than the sera of the group immunized with the plain CCPS and they were able to protect against challenge with Neisseria meningococci in the infant rat protection model (Carmenate et al., 2004).
Mouse Response
- Host Strain: BALB/c
- Vaccination Protocol: Two experiments were carried out; in both cases mice were immunized with 2.5 μg of either plain or conjugated CCPS, and Al(OH)3 as adjuvant. Two doses were given 15 days apart and 7 days after the last dose mice were bled, sera were stored at −20°C. In the first experiment four groups of 10 mice each were immunized with the following immunogens: CCPS–P64kR, CCPS–P64kC, carrier protein P64k, and plain polysaccharide. For the second experiment, four groups of 10 mice each were immunized with the three conjugates obtained from different size polysaccharides using the reductive amination method and with plain CCPS as control (Carmenate et al., 2004).
- Challenge Protocol: Sera of immunized mice was used in rats to detect an immune response (Carmenate et al., 2004).
- Efficacy: Sera of the challenge group immunized with CCPS-P64kR showed a three-fold higher bactericidal response than the sera of the group immunized with the plain CCPS and they were able to protect against challenge with Neisseria meningococci in the infant rat protection model (Carmenate et al., 2004).
References |
Carmenate et al., 2004: Carmenate T, Canaán L, Alvarez A, Delgado M, González S, Menéndez T, Rodés L, Guillén G. Effect of conjugation methodology on the immunogenicity and protective efficacy of meningococcal group C polysaccharide-P64k protein conjugates. FEMS immunology and medical microbiology. 2004; 40(3); 193-199. [PubMed: 15039094].