- Vaccine Name: Porcilis® Ery + Parvo + Lepto
- Target Pathogen: Porcine parvovirus
- Target Disease: SMEDI, reproductive failure
- Type: Inactivated or "killed" vaccine
- Status: Licensed
- Host Species for Licensed Use: None
- Antigen: Six relevant swine Leptospira antigens (serogroups Canicola, Icterohaemorrhagiae, Australis (Bratislava), Grippotyphosa, Pomona and Tarassovi) to an existing vaccine, Porcilis® Ery + Parvo(van et al., 2020)
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
- Virulence: Virulent PPV-27a strain. (van et al., 2020)
- Description: Porcilis® Ery+Parvo+Lepto is an octavalent inactivated ready-to-use vaccine that contains Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae (Ery), porcine parvovirus (PPV), and six serogroups of Leptospira (Lepto).(van et al., 2020)