Vaccine Detail
Duck Enteritis Virus Vaccine rDEV-US7/8-P13C |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: Duck Enteritis Virus Vaccine rDEV-US7/8-P13C
- Target Pathogen: Duck enteritis virus
- Target Disease: Duck Plague
- Type: Recombinant vector vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species for Licensed Use: None
- Host Species as Laboratory Animal Model: Duck
- Antigen: (Yang et al., 2021) whole virus
- Preparation: (Yang et al., 2021) The P1-P2A-3C cassette was inserted into the gene junction between US7 and US8 in the DEV vaccine strain genome. For transfection, we used the modified fosmid C343-US7/8-P13C, which replaced the parental fosmid C343. After being blindly passaged once in CEFs, DEV-typical plaques appeared in the CEFs transfected with the DNA combinations. Electron microscopy confirmed the successful rescue of the recombinant viruses. Insertion of the P1-P2A-3C cassette at the proper site was confirmed by PCR and sequencing, using a forward primer specific to the P1 gene and a reverse primer matching the US8 sequence. The recombinant DEV was designated rDEV-US7/8-P13C, with the P1 and 3C genes inserted between US7 and US8, in the DEV genome.
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
- Description: A bivalent duck enteritis virus recombinant vector vaccine that is made of a P1-P2a-33 cassette inserted between US7 and US8 of the viral genome (Yang et al., 2021).
Host Response |
Ducks Response
- Vaccination Protocol: (Yang et al., 2021) Groups of 20 ducks were inoculated with 1000 ELD50 of the recombinant viruses to evaluate the antibody responses against DHAV-3 and DEV induced by the recombinant DEVs
- Challenge Protocol: (Yang et al., 2021)All the animal experiments were performed using SPF ducks housed in filtered-air, negative-pressure isolation units. The ducks were given free access to food and water. To evaluate the protective efficacy of the recombinant viruses against challenge by the virulent DHAV-3 and DEV, each group of 20 ducks was inoculated subcutaneously with 1,000 times the 50% egg lethal dose (1000 ELD50) of the rescued viruses at 1 day of age. At 7 days post-vaccination, 10 ducks in each group were intramuscularly challenged with 100 ELD50 of the virulent DHAV-3 A3 strain, and the remaining 10 ducks were intramuscularly challenged with 1,000 minimum lethal doses of the virulent DEV CSC strain. Ten unvaccinated and unchallenged ducks were used as the healthy controls. The ducks were examined for clinical signs and mortality for 2 weeks after the challenge. The dead and surviving ducks were observed for gross lesions in the liver, spleen, kidneys, esophagus, intestine, thymus, and bursa
- Description: (Yang et al., 2021) After the challenge, all the ducks in the challenge control group showed signs of disease, including listlessness, ruffled feathers, and anorexia, and died at 4 days post-challenge. Vaccination with rDEV-US7/8-P13C conferred 70% (7/10) protection against DEV challenge. These results suggest that the recombinant viruses also induced solid protection against lethal DEV challenge in ducks.
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