Vaccine Detail
p52(-)/p36(-) GAP |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: p52(-)/p36(-) GAP
- Target Pathogen: Plasmodium spp.
- Target Disease: Malaria
- Type: Live, attenuated vaccine
- Status: Clinical trial
- Host Species for Licensed Use: Human
- Antigen: Genetically attenuated NF54 strain P.falciparum sporozoites: p52 and p36 gene deleted
- Immunization Route: mosquito bites
Host Response |
Human Response
- Host Strain: Four volunteers identifying as Caucasian and two as African American. (Spring et al., 2013)
- Host age: 18-42 years(Spring et al., 2013)
- Host gender: 3 males 3 females(Spring et al., 2013)
- Vaccination Protocol: Single group, non-randomized, phase I/IIa Trial.
6 volunteers received five infectious bites from GAP-infected Anopheles mosquito at first exposure, and then received around 200 bites as second exposure one month later. (Spring et al., 2009)
- Immune Response: Humoral: Post 5 bites: below the threshold. Post 200 bites: Pre-erythrocytic stage antigens: LSA-1 still not detectable, 2.9 μg/ml (0.7–12.3 μg/ml) CSP. Blood stage antigens: Only the volunteer with a peripheral blood stage parasitemia has humoral response to MSP-1 (3D7) and MSP-1 (FVO).
Cellular: IFN-γ, IL-2 and TNF responses significantly increased in the CD4 T cell compartment after 5 bites exposure, and amongst CD8 T cells after 200 bites exposure. IFN-γ production was primarily produced by CD8 T cells, and TNF production was primarily produced by CD4 T cells. No significant responses to CSP overlapping peptides or CSP recombinant protein observed.
Memory responses: CSP peptide 2, CelTOS and MSP-1 recalled the highest responses, followed by CSP and LSA-1 protein and then AMA-1, the CSP peptide pool and CSP peptide 4. LSA-1 peptide pools #1 and #2 failed to recall any responses. (Spring et al., 2013)
- Side Effects: First exposure: erythema and pruritus
Second exposure: local: erythema, pruritus, edema; systematic: fever, nausea/vomiting, headache and malaise in the first 24 hours of exposure. **One volunteer developed peripheral P. falciparum parasitemia on day 12 post-second, high dose exposure:24 parasites/μL, experienced fever, headache, fatigue, malaise, and myalgia. The Stopping Rule was activated and therefore the efficacy test was not executed as originally planned. (Spring et al., 2013)
References |
Spring et al., 2009: Phase 1/2a Trial of Pf GAP p52-/p36- Sporozoite Malaria Vaccine [https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01024686?term=vaccine&cond=malaria&draw=9&rank=31]
Spring et al., 2013: Spring M, Murphy J, Nielsen R, Dowler M, Bennett JW, Zarling S, Williams J, de la Vega P, Ware L, Komisar J, Polhemus M, Richie TL, Epstein J, Tamminga C, Chuang I, Richie N, O'Neil M, Heppner DG, Healer J, O'Neill M, Smithers H, Finney OC, Mikolajczak SA, Wang R, Cowman A, Ockenhouse C, Krzych U, Kappe SH. First-in-human evaluation of genetically attenuated Plasmodium falciparum sporozoites administered by bite of Anopheles mosquitoes to adult volunteers. Vaccine. 2013; 31(43); 4975-4983. [PubMed: 24029408].