Vaccine Detail
Autologous HNSCC DNA-transfected Semi-allogeneic Fibroblasts MRC-5 Vaccine |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: Autologous HNSCC DNA-transfected Semi-allogeneic Fibroblasts MRC-5 Vaccine
- Target Pathogen: Cancer
- Target Disease: Cancer
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0007299
- Type: Recombinant vector vaccine
- Status: Clinical trial
- Host Species for Licensed Use: Human
- Host Species as Laboratory Animal Model: Human
- Antigen: IL2, XCL1 (NCIT_C117725)
- IL2
gene engineering:
- Type: Recombinant protein preparation
- Description:
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- XCL1
gene engineering:
- Type: Recombinant protein preparation
- Description:
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- Preparation: Squamous carcinoma cell lines are transfected with TGF-β2 antisense plasmid to produce a nonviral gene-based allogeneic tumor cell vaccine (Fakhrai et al., 2006; Nemunaitis et al., 2006; Nemunaitis et al., 2009).
- Description: A vaccine consisting of lethally irradiated human fetal lung fibroblasts (Medical Research Council 5 or MRC-5) transfected with autologous tumor DNA derived from a head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC), with potential immunostimulatory and antineoplastic activities. Upon intradermal administration, the autologous HNSCC DNA-transfected semi-allogeneic fibroblasts MRC-5 vaccine expresses HNSCC tumor-associated antigens (TAAs), which may activate the immune system to induce a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) response against HNSCC cells. The MRC-5 cell line, established in 1966, is a human diploid lung fibroblast cell line derived from the human lung tissue of a 14-week-old male fetus. (NCIT_C117725).
This vaccine has been used in clinical trials involving Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC). NCT02211027
Host Response |
References |
Fakhrai et al., 2006: Fakhrai H, Mantil JC, Liu L, Nicholson GL, Murphy-Satter CS, Ruppert J, Shawler DL. Phase I clinical trial of a TGF-beta antisense-modified tumor cell vaccine in patients with advanced glioma. Cancer gene therapy. 2006; 13(12); 1052-1060. [PubMed: 16826191].
NCIT_C117725: [https://ncit.nci.nih.gov/ncitbrowser/ConceptReport.jsp?dictionary=NCI_Thesaurus&code=C117725]
Nemunaitis et al., 2006: Nemunaitis J, Dillman RO, Schwarzenberger PO, Senzer N, Cunningham C, Cutler J, Tong A, Kumar P, Pappen B, Hamilton C, DeVol E, Maples PB, Liu L, Chamberlin T, Shawler DL, Fakhrai H. Phase II study of belagenpumatucel-L, a transforming growth factor beta-2 antisense gene-modified allogeneic tumor cell vaccine in non-small-cell lung cancer. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. 2006; 24(29); 4721-4730. [PubMed: 16966690].
Nemunaitis et al., 2009: Nemunaitis J, Nemunaitis M, Senzer N, Snitz P, Bedell C, Kumar P, Pappen B, Maples PB, Shawler D, Fakhrai H. Phase II trial of Belagenpumatucel-L, a TGF-beta2 antisense gene modified allogeneic tumor vaccine in advanced non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients. Cancer gene therapy. 2009; 16(8); 620-624. [PubMed: 19287371].