Vaccine Detail
Art Vax |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: Art Vax
- Target Pathogen: Bordetella avium
- Target Disease: Bordetellosis
- Tradename: Art Vax
- Manufacturer: Schering-Plough Animal Health
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0000844
- Type: Live, attenuated vaccine
- Status: Licensed
- Host Species for Licensed Use: Turkey
- Immunization Route: Spray inhalation or drinking water
- Description: Live temperature-sensitive mutant strain; spray inhalation or drinking water (Jackwood and Saif, 1985)
Host Response |
References |
Jackwood and Saif, 1985: Jackwood MW, Saif YM. Efficacy of a commercial turkey coryza vaccine (Art-Vax) in turkey poults. Avian diseases. 1985; 29(4); 1130-1139. [PubMed: 3833219].