Vaccine Detail
rMV- WNV |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: rMV- WNV
- Target Pathogen: West Nile virus
- Target Disease: West Nile fever
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004712
- Type: Recombinant vector vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species for Licensed Use: Baboon
- Vector:
- Preparation: A recombinant MV vaccine expressing the secreted form of WNV envelope glycoprotein (Brandler and Tangy, 2013).
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
Host Response |
Mouse Response
- Vaccination Protocol: Mice were immunized with varying doses of MVSchw-sEWN (Brandler and Tangy, 2013).
- Vaccine Immune Response Type: VO_0003057
- Challenge Protocol: Mice were challenged with doses ranging from 100 to 100,000 focus-forming units of IS98-ST1 WNV (Brandler and Tangy, 2013).
- Efficacy: A single administration of a recombinant MV vaccine expressing the secreted form of WNV envelope glycoprotein elicited protective immunity in mice as early as two weeks after immunization (Brandler and Tangy, 2013).
References |
Brandler and Tangy, 2013: Brandler S, Tangy F. Vaccines in development against West Nile virus. Viruses. 2013; 5(10); 2384-2409. [PubMed: 24084235].