Vaccine Detail
P. yoelii DNA vaccine pDIP/PyCSP. 1 |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: P. yoelii DNA vaccine pDIP/PyCSP. 1
- Target Pathogen: Plasmodium spp.
- Target Disease: Malaria
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004589
- Type: DNA vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species as Laboratory Animal Model: Mouse
- CS from P. yoelii
gene engineering:
- Type: DNA vaccine construction
- Description:
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- DNA vaccine plasmid: pBC12/CMV/IL-2 DNA vaccine plasmid
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
Host Response |
Mouse Response
- Vaccine Immune Response Type: VO_0003057
- Efficacy: Mice immunized with three doses of pDIP/PyCSP.1 and challenged with 5 × 105 P. yoelii sporozoites had a significant reduction in liver stage infection compared with mice immunized with the empty plasmid. Most importantly, 9 of 16 mice were protected against challenge (Hoffman et al., 1994).
References |
Hoffman et al., 1994: Hoffman SL, Sedegah M, Hedstrom RC. Protection against malaria by immunization with a Plasmodium yoelii circumsporozoite protein nucleic acid vaccine. Vaccine. 1994; 12(16); 1529-1533. [PubMed: 7879419].