Vaccine Detail
E. tarda DNA vaccine pCE18 |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: E. tarda DNA vaccine pCE18
- Target Pathogen: Edwardsiella tarda
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004556
- Type: DNA vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species as Laboratory Animal Model: Japanese flounder
- Antigen: FliC-Et18 fusion protein from E. tarda TX1 (Jiao et al., 2009)
- et18
gene engineering:
- Type: DNA vaccine construction
- Description:
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- fliC
gene engineering:
- Type: DNA vaccine construction
- Description:
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- DNA vaccine plasmid:
- DNA vaccine plasmid name:
- DNA vaccine plasmid VO ID: VO_0000992
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
Host Response |
Fish Response
- Vaccine Immune Response Type: VO_0003057
- Efficacy: Following TX1 challenge, fish immunized with pCE18, pCN3 (plasmid), and PBS exhibited cumulative mortalities of 35%, 90%, and 95%, respectively. Hence, with pCN3 as a control, the protective efficacy of pCE18 was 61% in terms of RPS (Jiao et al., 2009).
References |
Jiao et al., 2009: Jiao XD, Zhang M, Hu YH, Sun L. Construction and evaluation of DNA vaccines encoding Edwardsiella tarda antigens. Vaccine. 2009; 27(38); 5195-5202. [PubMed: 19596416].