Vaccine Detail
C. trachomatis DNA vaccine pWRG7079::MOMP |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: C. trachomatis DNA vaccine pWRG7079::MOMP
- Target Pathogen: Chlamydia trachomatis
- Target Disease: Chlamydia
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004554
- Type: DNA vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species as Laboratory Animal Model: Pig
- Antigen: ompA of C. trachomatis serovar E strain 468 (Schautteet et al., 2011)
- ompA
gene engineering:
- Type: DNA vaccine construction
- Description:
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- DNA vaccine plasmid:
- DNA vaccine plasmid name:
- DNA vaccine plasmid VO ID: VO_0005059
- Immunization Route: Intravaginal injection
Host Response |
Pig Response
- Vaccine Immune Response Type: VO_0003057
- Efficacy: A good level of protection against C. trachomatis genital infection was observed in the immunized group. This group had no or only mild macroscopic lesions in comparison with the control group. The infection was mainly localized in the lower genital tract while in the placebo-primed group, C. trachomatis was spread throughout the lower and upper genital tract. The scores for chlamydial presence were significantly higher for the corpus uteri, the uterine tubes and the oviducts of the control group. No replication was detected outside the urogenital tract, which is in accordance with the literature. Induction of immune mechanisms that limited infection and replication also resulted in a decreased shedding by the vaccinated pigs in comparison with the control ones. Significant differences were seen at some time points from 10 days post infection until euthanasia (Schautteet et al., 2011).
References |
Schautteet et al., 2011: Schautteet K, Stuyven E, Beeckman DS, Van Acker S, Carlon M, Chiers K, Cox E, Vanrompay D. Protection of pigs against Chlamydia trachomatis challenge by administration of a MOMP-based DNA vaccine in the vaginal mucosa. Vaccine. 2011; 29(7); 1399-1407. [PubMed: 21195805].