Vaccine Detail
B. anthracis DNA vaccine pTPA-P |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: B. anthracis DNA vaccine pTPA-P
- Target Pathogen: Bacillus anthracis
- Target Disease: Anthrax
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004478
- Type: DNA vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species as Laboratory Animal Model: Mouse
gene engineering:
- Type: DNA vaccine construction
- Description: This DNA vaccine expressed A63-LAMP1 N-terminal TPA signal, C-terminal LAMP1 membrane anchor and 63 kDa mature protein (Midha and Bhatnagar, 2009).
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- DNA vaccine plasmid:
- DNA vaccine plasmid name:
- DNA vaccine plasmid VO ID: VO_0005021
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
Host Response |
Mouse Response
- Vaccine Immune Response Type: VO_0000286
- Efficacy: Highest survival was elicited by all groups when they were challenged at week 12 and 14. Challenge was 100% fatal in control mice immunized with vector and PBS (Midha and Bhatnagar, 2009).
References |
Midha and Bhatnagar, 2009: Midha S, Bhatnagar R. Anthrax protective antigen administered by DNA vaccination to distinct subcellular locations potentiates humoral and cellular immune responses. European journal of immunology. 2009; 39(1); 159-177. [PubMed: 19130551].