Vaccine Detail
Classical swine fever virus E1 mutant vaccine |
Vaccine Information |
- Vaccine Name: Classical swine fever virus E1 mutant vaccine
- Target Pathogen: Classical swine fever virus
- Target Disease: Classical swine fever, hog cholera
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0002953
- Type: Live, attenuated vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species as Laboratory Animal Model: Pig
- E1
gene engineering:
- Immunization Route: intranasal immunization
Host Response |
Pig Response
References |
Fernandez-Sainz et al., 2009: Fernandez-Sainz I, Holinka LG, Gavrilov BK, Prarat MV, Gladue D, Lu Z, Jia W, Risatti GR, Borca MV. Alteration of the N-linked glycosylation condition in E1 glycoprotein of Classical Swine Fever Virus strain Brescia alters virulence in swine. Virology. 2009; 386(1); 210-216. [PubMed: 19203774].