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Vaxlert: Peer-reviewed Vaccine Publications in Current Month

From Sep 01, 2024 To Sep 07, 2024:

Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax)

  1. Schuetter J, Minard-Smith A, Hill B, Beare JL, Vornholt A, Burke TW, Murugan V, Smith AK, Chandrasekaran T, Shamma HJ, Kahaian SC, Fillinger KL, S Amper MA, Cheng WS, Ge Y, George MC, Guevara K, Lovette-Okwara N, Mahajan A, Marjanovic N, Mendelev N, Fowler VG, McClain MT, Miller CM, Mofsowitz S, Nair VD, Nudelman G, Evans TG, Castellino F, Ramos I, Rirak S, Ruf-Zamojski F, Seenarine N, Soares-Shanoski A, Vangeti S, Vasoya M, Yu X, Zaslavsky E, Ndhlovu LC, Corley MJ, Bowler S, Deeks SG, Letizia AG, Sealfon SC, Woods CW, Spurbeck RR. Integrated epigenomic exposure signature discovery Epigenomics :1-17 2024 [PMID: 39225561]

Brucella (Brucellosis)

  1. Ali S, Mushtaq A, Hassan L, Syed MA, Foster JT, Dadar M. Molecular epidemiology of brucellosis in Asia: insights from genotyping analyses Veterinary research communications 2024 [PMID: 39230771]
  2. Fathi M, Vakili K, Mohammadzadeh I, Sani M, Khakpour Y, Azimi H, Norouzian M, Moghaddam MH, Khodagholi F, Sadrinasab S, Gilavand HK, Ebrahimi MJ, Moafi M, Beirami A, Hasanzadeh M, Bahar R, Bayat AH, Alamian S, Aliaghaei A. The effect of Brucella abortus on glial activation and cell death in adult male rat's hippocampus Brain research bulletin :111061 2024 [PMID: 39222672]
  3. He Y, Zhu Y, Yin Z, Shi J, Shang K, Tian T, Shi H, Ding J, Zhang F. Design a novel of Brucellosis preventive vaccine based on IgV_CTLA-4 and multiple epitopes via immunoinformatics approach Microbial pathogenesis 195:106909 2024 [PMID: 39218373]
  4. Asadinezhad M, Pakzad I, Asadollahi P, Ghafourian S, Kalani BS. Proteomics Exploration of Brucella melitensis to Design an Innovative Multi-Epitope mRNA Vaccine Bioinformatics and biology insights 18:11779322241272404 2024 [PMID: 39220468]


  1. Jin L, Le J, Sun Y, Zeng F. Response to comment on 'Clinical characteristics and risk factors for ZF2001 fully vaccinated inpatients with COVID-19: A retrospective cohort study' Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 20(1):2380568 2024 [PMID: 39235465]
  2. Tinessia A, Clark K, Randell M, Leask J, King C. Strategies to address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy in First Nations peoples: a systematic review Global health action 17(1):2384497 2024 [PMID: 39230093]
  3. Mtei M, Mwasamila B D, Amour C, Bilakwate JS, Shirima LJ, Farah A, Mboya IB, Ngocho J, George JM, Msuya SE. COVID-19 vaccine confidence and its effect on vaccine uptake among people with hypertension or diabetes mellitus in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 20(1):2396213 2024 [PMID: 39222941]
  4. Zhao A, Liu Y, Xia J, Huang L, Lu Q, Tang Q, Gan W. Establishment and validation of a prognostic model based on common laboratory indicators for SARS-CoV-2 infection in Chinese population Annals of medicine 56(1):2400312 2024 [PMID: 39239874]
  5. Nguyen KH, Nguyen K, Allen JD. COVID-19 vaccination receipt and intention to vaccinate among adults with disabilities and functional limitations, United States Annals of medicine 56(1):2399318 2024 [PMID: 39239845]
  6. Jodar M, Barral Y, Leiva M, Castillo J, Barrio R, Agustí I, Borràs A, Carrillo P, Matheu R, Ferreti R, Herrero J, Reimundo P, Navero-Castillejos J, Casals G, Guimerà M, Corral JM, Martinez M, Carbonell M, Bassas L, Manau D, Oliva R. Reversible effects of the SARS-CoV-2 on semen parameters Systems biology in reproductive medicine 70(1):261-271 2024 [PMID: 39217625]
  7. Jeger-Madiot R, Planas D, Staropoli I, Debarnot H, Kervevan J, Mary H, Collina C, Fonseca BF, Robinot R, Gellenoncourt S, Schwartz O, Ewart L, Bscheider M, Gobaa S, Chakrabarti LA. Modeling memory B cell responses in a lymphoid organ-chip to evaluate mRNA vaccine boosting The Journal of experimental medicine 221(10) 2024 [PMID: 39240335]
  8. Daungsupawong H, Wiwanitkit V. Strategies to Improve COVID-19 Vaccination in a Pregnant, Marginalized Population: Correspondence American journal of public health 114(10):1125-1126 2024 [PMID: 39231396]
  9. Park SJ, Seo JW, Han KH, Lee BS, Lee C, Kim BY, Ko KC, Kim YB. Safety pharmacology of human endogenous retrovirus-enveloped baculoviral DNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 in Sprague-Dawley rats and beagle dogs Vaccine: X 20:100545 2024 [PMID: 39221182]
  10. Rader NA, Lee KS, Loes AN, Miller-Stump OA, Cooper M, Wong TY, Boehm DT, Barbier M, Bevere JR, Heath Damron F. Influenza virus strains expressing SARS-CoV-2 receptor binding domain protein confer immunity in K18-hACE2 mice Vaccine: X 20:100543 2024 [PMID: 39221180]
  11. Taylor YJ, Kowalkowski M, Palakshappa J. Social Disparities and Critical Illness during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Narrative Review Critical care clinics 40(4):805-825 2024 [PMID: 39218487]
  12. Postans M, Pacchiarini N, Song J, Cottrell S, Williams C, Beazer A, Moore C, Connor TR, Williams C. Evaluating the risk of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection with the Omicron or Delta variant in Wales, UK PloS one 19(9):e0309645 2024 [PMID: 39240934]
  13. Uthman OA, Lyngse FP, Anjorin S, Hauer B, Hakki S, Martinez DA, Ge Y, Jonnerby J, Julin CH, Lin G, Lalvani A, Loss J, Madon KJ, Martinez L, Næss LM, Page KR, Prieto D, Robertson AH, Shen Y, Wurm J, Buchholz U. Susceptibility and infectiousness of SARS-CoV-2 in children versus adults, by variant (wild-type, alpha, delta): A systematic review and meta-analysis of household contact studies PloS one 19(9):e0306740 2024 [PMID: 39240908]
  14. Mckee S, Halsall T, Sheikhan NY, Knight R, Henderson J, Hawke LD. "Pictures helped me understand it in a way words couldn't": Youth reflections participating in a youth-led photovoice study PloS one 19(9):e0308165 2024 [PMID: 39240902]
  15. Katz MA, Rojas Castro MY, Chakhunashvili G, Chitadze N, Ward CL, McKnight CJ, Lucaccioni H, Finci I, Zardiashvili T, Pebody R, Kissling E, Sanodze L. Primary series COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness among health care workers in the country of Georgia, March-December 2021 PloS one 19(9):e0307805 2024 [PMID: 39240827]
  16. Beron AJ, Yukich JO, Berry AA, Correa A, Keating J, Bott M, Wierzba TF, Weintraub WS, Friedman-Klabanoff DJ, Mongraw-Chaffin M, Gibbs MA, Taylor YJ, Kissinger PJ, Hayes DV, Schieffelin JS, Burke BK, Oberhelman RA. Assessment of sociodemographic factors associated with time to self-reported COVID-19 infection among a large multi-center prospective cohort population in the southeastern United States PloS one 19(9):e0293787 2024 [PMID: 39240796]
  17. Seo H, Jang Y. Cold-adapted live attenuated MERS-CoV vaccine strain remains attenuated in mice after multiple passages in Vero cells at 37 °C Archives of microbiology 206(10):393 2024 [PMID: 39240318]
  18. García-Casanova PH, Pérez-Martínez P, Sevilla T, Doménech R, León M, Vázquez-Costa JF. Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 pandemic on the morbidity and mortality of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients in Valencia, Spain European journal of neurology :e16465 2024 [PMID: 39240038]
  19. Gurfinkel D, Tietbohl C, Clark E, Saville A, Albertin C, O'Leary ST, Szilagyi PG, Kempe A. Perceived Effects of COVID-19 on Vaccine Hesitancy and Clinician Discussion: A Qualitative Study Pediatrics 2024 [PMID: 39238446]
  20. Mbinta JF, Sporle AA, Sheppard J, Su'a-Tavila A, Nguyen BP, French N, Simpson CR. Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against hospitalisation, death and infection over time in Aotearoa New Zealand: a retrospective cohort study The New Zealand medical journal 137(1602):65-6101 2024 [PMID: 39236327]
  21. Ayouni I, Mbangiwa T, Amponsah-Dacosta E, Noll S, Kagina BM, Muloiwa R. Acceptance and uptake of vaccines against tetanus, influenza, pertussis, and COVID-19 among pregnant and postpartum women in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis protocol Systematic reviews 13(1):227 2024 [PMID: 39237969]
  22. Senoga U, Guwatudde D, Isunju JB, Ojiambo KO. Factors associated with full COVID-19 vaccination among persons living with diabetes mellitus in Uganda-A cross-sectional study BMC public health 24(1):2422 2024 [PMID: 39237915]
  23. Schwartz AJ, Richman AR, Torres E. Messaging Preferences about the COVID-19 Vaccine among Adults in Eastern North Carolina Journal of community health 2024 [PMID: 39235541]
  24. Sripaew S, Yasharad K, Rahari DS, Feng W, Qian Z, Thanh HN, Li P, Fitriangga A, Purwanto SP, Phyu AN, Xianyu F, Phadungvitvatthana S, Wichaidit W, Kumwichar P, Chongsuvivatwong V. A serological survey of COVID-19 among predominantly aboriginal residents of a tourist island in southern Thailand Tropical medicine and health 52(1):57 2024 [PMID: 39232844]
  25. Dam D, Chen M, Rees EE, Cheng B, Sukkarieh L, McGill E, Tehami Y, Bellos A, Edwin J, Patterson K. Risk factors associated with the intensity of COVID-19 outbreaks in Canadian community settings: a retrospective analysis of outbreak-level surveillance data BMC public health 24(1):2409 2024 [PMID: 39232726]
  26. Sautto GA, Ross TM. Respiratory viruses: Preventive and therapeutic approaches to diverse pathogens Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine 91(9 suppl 1):S4-S10 2024 [PMID: 39231607]
  27. Goje O, Kapoor A. Meeting the challenge of vaccine hesitancy Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine 91(9 suppl 1):S50-S56 2024 [PMID: 39231603]
  28. Kazi AM, Ahsan N, Jabeen R, Allana R, Jamal S, Mughal MAK, Hopkins KL, Malik FA. Effects of COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination Infodemic Through Mobile Health, Social Media, and Electronic Media on the Attitudes of Caregivers and Health Care Providers in Pakistan: Qualitative Exploratory Study JMIR infodemiology 4:e49366 2024 [PMID: 39231430]
  29. Surie D, Self WH, Zhu Y, Yuengling KA, Johnson CA, Grijalva CG, Dawood FS. RSV Vaccine Effectiveness Against Hospitalization Among US Adults 60 Years and Older JAMA 2024 [PMID: 39230920]
  30. Soudani N, Bricker TL, Darling T, Seehra K, Patel N, Guebre-Xabier M, Smith G, Davis-Gardner M, Suthar MS, Ellebedy AH, Boon ACM. Immunogenicity and efficacy of XBB.1.5 rS vaccine against the EG.5.1 variant of SARS-CoV-2 in Syrian hamsters Journal of virology :e0052824 2024 [PMID: 39230305]
  31. Chuang MH, Hsu W, Tsai YW, Hsu WH, Wu JY, Liu TH, Huang PY, Lai CC. New-onset obstructive airway disease following COVID-19: a multicenter retrospective cohort study BMC medicine 22(1):360 2024 [PMID: 39227934]
  32. Thenpandiyan AA, Ling RR, Grignani R, Ling MR, Thenpandiyan AA, Tai BC, Somani J, Ramanathan K, Quek SC. Myopericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis Singapore medical journal 2024 [PMID: 39229736]
  33. Hayman J, Nelson SW, Mallory LA, Dornblaser EK, Chaudron LH, Nichols S, Mallar C, Rocheleau B, Stickney I, Prast B, Cohen Konrad S. Mitigating Misinformation Toolkit: Addressing COVID-19 Misinformation Through Interprofessional Learning and Collaboration Using a Standardized Patient-Based Educational Module MedEdPORTAL : the journal of teaching and learning resources 20:11461 2024 [PMID: 39229366]
  34. Gagne M, Flynn BJ, Andrew SF, Marquez J, Flebbe DR, Mychalowych A, Lamb E, Davis-Gardner ME, Burnett MR, Serebryannyy LA, Lin BC, Ziff ZE, Maule E, Carroll R, Naisan M, Jethmalani Y, Pessaint L, Todd JM, Doria-Rose NA, Case JB, Dmitriev IP, Kashentseva EA, Ying B, Dodson A, Kouneski K, O'Dell S, Wali B, Ellis M, Godbole S, Laboune F, Henry AR, Teng IT, Wang D, Wang L, Zhou Q, Zouantchangadou S, Van Ry A, Lewis MG, Andersen H, Kwong PD, Curiel DT, Roederer M, Nason MC, Foulds KE, Suthar MS, Diamond MS, Douek DC, Seder RA. Mucosal adenovirus vaccine boosting elicits IgA and durably prevents XBB.1.16 infection in nonhuman primates Nature immunology 2024 [PMID: 39227514]
  35. Kim H, Cha H, Cheong T. Analyzing economic effect on mRNA vaccine inventory management with redistribution policy Scientific reports 14(1):20425 2024 [PMID: 39227428]
  36. Lane HC, Gordon SM. Vaccine hesitancy in the time of COVID: How to manage a public health threat Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine 91(9):565-573 2024 [PMID: 39227084]
  37. Nguyen K, Relja B, Epperson M, Park SH, Thornburg NJ, Costantini VP, Vinjé J. Salivary immune responses after COVID-19 vaccination PloS one 19(9):e0307936 2024 [PMID: 39226256]
  38. Valdivieso-Martinez B, Lopez-Sanchez V, Sauri I, Diaz J, Calderon JM, Gas-Lopez ME, Lidon L, Philibert J, Lopez-Hontangas JL, Navarro D, Cuenca L, Forner MJ, Redon J. Impact of Long SARS-CoV-2 Omicron Infection on the Health Care Burden: Comparative Case-Control Study Between Omicron and Pre-Omicron Waves JMIR public health and surveillance 10:e53580 2024 [PMID: 39226091]
  39. Domingo JL. A review of the scientific literature on experimental toxicity studies of COVID-19 vaccines, with special attention to publications in toxicology journals Archives of toxicology 2024 [PMID: 39225797]
  40. Poli ANR, Tietjen I, Nandwana NK, Cassel J, Messick TE, Register ET, Keeney F, Rajaiah R, Verma AK, Pandey K, Acharya A, Byrareddy SN, Montaner LJ, Salvino JM. Design of novel and highly selective SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy :e0056224 2024 [PMID: 39225484]
  41. Janes H, Fisher LH, Kee JJ, Parameswaran L, Goepfert PA, Falsey AR, Ludwig J, Magaret CA, Gilbert PB, Kublin JG, Rouphael N, Sobieszczyk ME, El Sahly HM, Baden LR, Grinsztejn B, Walsh SR, Gray GE, Kotloff KL, Gay CL, Greninger AL, Tapia MD, Hammershaimb EA, Priddy FH, Green JA, Struyf F, Dunkle L, Neuzil KM, Corey L, Huang Y. Association Between SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load and COVID-19 Vaccination in 4 Phase 3 Trials The Journal of infectious diseases 2024 [PMID: 39225478]
  42. Almeida-Paes R, Teixeira MM, Oliveira FA, Almeida MA, Almeida-Silva F, Geraldo KM, Nunes EP, Baker BM, Stajich JE, Grinsztejn B, Veloso VG, Freitas AD, Zancopé-Oliveira RM. A Cluster of Diutina catenulata Funguria in Patients with Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Hospitalized in a Tertiary Reference Hospital from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Current microbiology 81(10):338 2024 [PMID: 39223407]
  43. Lee R, Cho SY, Lee DG, Nho D. High-Dose Corticosteroid Use in Severe to Critically Ill Patients With COVID-19: A Nationwide Population-Based Matched Cohort Study Journal of Korean medical science 39(34):e255 2024 [PMID: 39228186]
  44. Liu S, van Dijk LLA, den Hartog Y, Hoek R, Verschuuren E, Geurtsvankessel CH, de Vries RD, Van Baarle D, Buter CVL. mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination of lung transplant recipients with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection induces durable SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies and T cells Vaccine 42(24):126250 2024 [PMID: 39226789]
  45. Morsy ARI, Mahmoud SH, Abou Shama NM, Arafa W, Yousef GA, Khalil AA, Ramadan SK. Antiviral activity of pyrazole derivatives bearing a hydroxyquinoline scaffold against SARS-CoV-2, HCoV-229E, MERS-CoV, and IBV propagation RSC advances 14(38):27935-27947 2024 [PMID: 39224644]
  46. Pinpattanapong R, Sukharomana M, Charuvanij S. Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of care for juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients: insights from Thailand Orphanet journal of rare diseases 19(1):320 2024 [PMID: 39223582]
  47. Songthap A, Sesang K, Ratchaphan C, Luangkhan T, Jenjob P. Factors influencing the third COVID-19 vaccine booster dose acceptance among older adults in northern Thailand BMC infectious diseases 24(1):897 2024 [PMID: 39223501]
  48. McMahon WC, Kwatra G, Izu A, Jones SA, Mbele NJ, Jafta N, Lala R, Shalekoff S, Tiemessen CT, Madhi SA, Nunes MC. T-cell responses to ancestral SARS-CoV-2 and Omicron variant among unvaccinated pregnant and postpartum women living with and without HIV in South Africa Scientific reports 14(1):20348 2024 [PMID: 39223211]
  49. Jain H, Odat RM, Hussein AM, Dey D, Ahmed M, Jain J, Goyal A, Ratnani T, Idrees M, Prajjwal P, Passey S, Yadav R. Efficacy and outcomes of BCG re-vaccination in COVID-19: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of randomized controlled trials Annals of medicine and surgery (2012) 86(9):5439-5446 2024 [PMID: 39239021]
  50. Shah SK, Bhandari K, Shah A, Chaurasiya G. COVID-19: vaccination, therapeutics and a review of the science and public health Annals of medicine and surgery (2012) 86(9):5343-5353 2024 [PMID: 39239001]
  51. Abu Jawdeh BG, Vikram HR. Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Kidney Transplantation - A 2024 Update Advances in kidney disease and health 31(5):458-465 2024 [PMID: 39232616]
  52. Reis G, Augusto Dos Santos Moreira Silva E, Carla Medeiros Silva D, Thabane L, Santiago Ferreira T, Vitor Quirino Dos Santos C, Paula Figueiredo Guimaraes Almeida A, Cançado Monteiro Savassi L, Dias de Figueiredo Neto A, Lanna França Reis L, Helena de Souza Campos V, Bitarães C, Diniz Callegari E, Izabel Campos Simplicio M, Barra Ribeiro L, Oliveira R, Harari O, Forrest JI, Lat PK, Dron L, Thorlund K, Mills EJ. Effect of spirulina on risk of hospitalization among patients with COVID-19: the TOGETHER randomized trial The American journal of clinical nutrition 120(3):602-609 2024 [PMID: 39232602]
  53. Ramadani N, Hoxha-Gashi S, Gexha-Bunjaku D, Kalaveshi A, Jakupi X, Humolli I, Vaughan A, Pebody R, Kacaniku-Gunga P, Jashari V. Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Kosovo-Wide Population-Based Seroepidemiological Study Influenza and other respiratory viruses 18(9):e70004 2024 [PMID: 39225019]
  54. Glendinning L, Wu Z, Vervelde L, Watson M, Balic A. Infectious bronchitis virus vaccination, but not the presence of XCR1, is correlated with large differences in chicken caecal microbiota Microbial genomics 10(9) 2024 [PMID: 39222347]
  55. Tian J, Chen S, Li X, Teng Y, Chen B. Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among first time visitors at STIs clinic in Hangzhou, China: Assessing the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic Immunity, inflammation and disease 12(9):e70009 2024 [PMID: 39222020]
  56. Lo VT, Lim HA, Jang SS, Kim MC, Chamfort AC, Kim HY, Mun DY, Kang MC, Lee HB, Kim S, Lee Y, Park S, Yoon SW, Kim HK. N121T and N121S substitutions on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein impact on serum neutralization Journal of medical virology 96(9):e29871 2024 [PMID: 39221474]
  57. Gào X, Sun Y, Shen P, Guo J, Chen Y, Yin Y, Liu Z, Zhan S. Population-Based Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Against Laboratory-Confirmed Influenza Infection in Southern China, 2023-2024 Season Open forum infectious diseases 11(9):ofae456 2024 [PMID: 39220659]
  58. Farid M, Ibrahim A, Mohammad H, Hassan Q, Omar MA, Ismael MA, Shidane AM, Mohamud MF, Shube M, Jama MA, Musanhu P, Hafiz R, Malik SMMR. COVID-19 vaccination campaigns in fragile and conflict-affected settings, Somalia Bulletin of the World Health Organization 102(9):674-680 2024 [PMID: 39219761]
  59. Yan Q, Gao X, Liu B, Hou R, He P, Ma Y, Zhang Y, Zhang Y, Li Z, Chen Q, Wang J, Huang X, Liang H, Zheng H, Yao Y, Chen X, Niu X, He J, Chen L, Zhao J, Xiong X. Antibodies utilizing VL6-57 light chains target a convergent cryptic epitope on SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and potentially drive the genesis of Omicron variants Nature communications 15(1):7585 2024 [PMID: 39217172]
  60. Camargo ELS, Sousa ÁFL, Reis ASD, Fortunato MDR, Gouveia IDS, Mendes IAC, Ventura CAA. Determining factors for COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Brazilians: a study using structural equation modeling Revista brasileira de enfermagem 77Suppl 2(Suppl 2):e20240112 2024 [PMID: 39230099]
  61. Murphy QM, Lewis GK, Sajadi MM, Forde JE, Ciupe SM. Understanding antibody magnitude and durability following vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 Mathematical biosciences 376:109274 2024 [PMID: 39218212]
  62. Garnsey MR, Robinson MC, Nguyen LT, Cardin R, Tillotson J, Mashalidis E, Yu A, Aschenbrenner L, Balesano A, Behzadi A, Boras B, Chang JS, Eng H, Ephron A, Foley T, Ford KK, Frick JM, Gibson S, Hao L, Hurst B, Kalgutkar AS, Korczynska M, Lengyel-Zhand Z, Gao L, Meredith HR, Patel NC, Polivkova J, Rai D, Rose CR, Rothan H, Sakata SK, Vargo TR, Qi W, Wu H, Liu Y, Yurgelonis I, Zhang J, Zhu Y, Zhang L, Lee AA. Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 papain-like protease (PL(pro)) inhibitors with efficacy in a murine infection model Science advances 10(35):eado4288 2024 [PMID: 39213347]
  63. Vissapragada M, Addala S, Aggunna M, Sodasani M, Grandhi AVKS, Yedidi RS. Leveraging the potential of bacterial lateral gene transfer in boosting the efficacy of an edible probiotic prototype yogurt vaccine for COVID-19 Biochemical and biophysical research communications 734:150622 2024 [PMID: 39216410]
  64. Baden LR, El Sahly HM, Essink B, Follmann D, Hachigian G, Strout C, Overcash JS, Doblecki-Lewis S, Whitaker JA, Anderson EJ, Neuzil K, Corey L, Priddy F, Tomassini JE, Brown M, Girard B, Stolman D, Urdaneta V, Wang X, Deng W, Zhou H, Dixit A, Das R, Miller JM. Long-term safety and effectiveness of mRNA-1273 vaccine in adults: COVE trial open-label and booster phases Nature communications 15(1):7469 2024 [PMID: 39209823]
  65. Matsuzono K, Mieno M, Mashiko T, Anan Y, Ozawa T, Koide R, Tanaka R, Kimura A, Fujimoto S. Effect of COVID 19 pandemic on the neurology department hospitalization with analysis of the neurological complications secondary to COVID 19 and vaccination against COVID 19 SAGE open medicine 12:20503121241272518 2024 [PMID: 39220747]
  66. Sainz de la Maza S, Rodero-Romero A, Monreal E, Chico-García JL, Villarrubia N, Rodríguez-Jorge F, Fernández-Velasco JI, Sainz-Amo R, Costa-Frossard L, Masjuan J, Villar LM. COVID-19 vaccines are not associated with axonal injury in patients with multiple sclerosis Frontiers in immunology 15:1439393 2024 [PMID: 39238642]
  67. Watanabe S, Sawano T, Saito H, Ozaki A, Wakui M, Zhao T, Yamamoto C, Kobashi Y, Kawamura T, Sugiyama A, Nakayama A, Kaneko Y, Shimmura H, Tsubokura M. SARS-CoV-2 spike protein antibody titers after the fourth dose of BNT162b2 vaccine among Japanese patients undergoing hemodialysis: a single-center study Frontiers in immunology 15:1412918 2024 [PMID: 39238641]
  68. Han X, Pan H, Jin P, Wei M, Jia S, Wang W, Chu K, Gao S, Zhou L, Li J, Zhu F. A head-to-head comparison of humoral and cellular immune responses of five COVID-19 vaccines in adults in China Frontiers in immunology 15:1455730 2024 [PMID: 39234239]
  69. Zhang Y, Yi H. The impact of attitude toward COVID-19 vaccine on intention to receive influenza vaccination: a multi-group comparison based on the influence of presumed influence model and spillover effects Frontiers in public health 12:1398680 2024 [PMID: 39234099]
  70. Zilver SJM, Rietveld AL, Schonewille NN, Bakker PCAM, Broekman BFP, van Leeuwen E, de Groot CJM. Pregnant individuals perspectives towards receiving COVID-19 vaccination during their pregnancy: an in-depth qualitative study Frontiers in public health 12:1415548 2024 [PMID: 39234090]
  71. Khosravi Shadmani F, Moradi G, Naghipour M, Torkaman Asadi F, Ahmadi A, Mirahmadizadeh A, Haghdoost AA, Mesgarpour B, Zahraei SM, Goya MM, Mokhtari M, Safari-Faramani R, Zomorrodi Zare F, Chegeni M, Najafi F. Evaluation of the COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness on the outcomes of COVID 19 disease in Iran: a test-negative case-control study Frontiers in immunology 15:1420651 2024 [PMID: 39234259]
  72. Bai S, Zhou S, Zhang J, Chen W, Lv M, Wang J, Zhang A, Wu J, Zhao W. Immunogenicity and safety of different combinations involving a third booster dose of SARS-CoV-2 inactivated vaccine, inactivated quadrivalent influenza vaccine, and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in adults aged ≥60 years: a phase 4, randomized, open-label study Frontiers in immunology 15:1437267 2024 [PMID: 39229259]
  73. Wang Q, Dong Z, Zhang W, Zheng Y, Lyu Q, Zhang R, Huang H, Liu F, Wang Y, Zhang L, Cao X, Wu J, Zhou J, Cai G, Chen X. COVID-19 epidemic investigation study of a follow-up cohort of patients with diabetic kidney disease Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 14:1388260 2024 [PMID: 39228893]
  74. Wang X, Liu M, Li Y, Mei X, Liao S, Liang Q, Liu Y. What determinants of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among Chinese nursing students? A cross-sectional study Frontiers in public health 12:1432225 2024 [PMID: 39228852]
  75. Silva BA, Miglietta E, Casabona JC, Wenker S, Eizaguirre MB, Alonso R, Casas M, Lázaro LG, Man F, Portuondo G, Lopez Bisso A, Zavala N, Casales F, Imhoff G, Steinberg DJ, López PA, Carnero Contentti E, Deri N, Sinay V, Hryb J, Chiganer E, Leguizamon F, Tkachuk V, Bauer J, Ferrandina F, Giachello S, Henestroza P, Garcea O, Pascuale CA, Heitrich M, Podhajcer OL, Vinzón S, D'Alotto-Moreno T, Benatar A, Rabinovich GA, Pitossi FJ, Ferrari CC. Do immunosuppressive treatments influence immune responses against adenovirus-based COVID-19 vaccines in patients with multiple sclerosis? An Argentine multicenter study Frontiers in immunology 15:1431403 2024 [PMID: 39224589]
  76. Frampton S, Orievulu K, Matthews PC, Giubilini A, Hordern J, Burns L, Elias S, Friederich E, Majozi N, Martin S, Stevenson A, Vanderslott S, Seeley J. Pandemic preparedness: why humanities and social sciences matter Frontiers in public health 12:1394569 2024 [PMID: 39220463]
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  81. Figueiredo I, Teixeira T, Nunes S, Figueiredo C, Fragoso J, Azevedo C, Moreira D, Malheiro L. Traveling Before, During, and After the Pandemic: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Travel Behavior and Travel Medicine Practice Cureus 16(8):e66247 2024 [PMID: 39238689]
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  86. George NM. Herpes zoster triggered by ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 coronavirus vaccine (recombinant) The National medical journal of India 37(2):89-90 2024 [PMID: 39222525]

Coxiella burnetii (Q fever)

  1. Fratzke AP, Szule JA, Butler SM, van Schaik EJ, Samuel JE. Molecular Mechanisms of Coxiella burnetii Formalin Fixed Cellular Vaccine Reactogenicity bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2024 [PMID: 39229146]

Ebola virus

  1. Wiedemann A, Lhomme E, Huchon M, Foucat E, Bérerd-Camara M, Guillaumat L, Yaradouno M, Tambalou J, Rodrigues C, Ribeiro A, Béavogui AH, Lacabaratz C, Thiébaut R, Richert L, Lévy Y. Long-term cellular immunity of vaccines for Zaire Ebola Virus Diseases Nature communications 15(1):7666 2024 [PMID: 39227399]
  2. Athira AP, Sreekanth S, Chandran A, Lahon A. Dual Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Orchestrators of Emerging and Reemerging Virus Infections Cell biochemistry and biophysics 2024 [PMID: 39225901]
  3. Mukadi-Bamuleka D, Edidi-Atani F, Morales-Betoulle ME, Legand A, Nkuba-Ndaye A, Bulabula-Penge J, Mbala-Kingebeni P, Crozier I, Mambu-Mbika F, Whitmer S, Tshiani Mbaya O, Hensley LE, Kitenge-Omasumbu R, Davey R, Mulangu S, Fonjungo PN, Wiley MR, Klena JD, Peeters M, Delaporte E, van Griensven J, Ariën KK, Pratt C, Montgomery JM, Formenty P, Muyembe-Tamfum JJ, Ahuka-Mundeke S. Fatal meningoencephalitis associated with Ebola virus persistence in two survivors of Ebola virus disease in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a case report study The Lancet. Microbe :100905 2024 [PMID: 39236738]
  4. Zhang HQ, Zhang YN, Deng CL, Zhu QX, Zhang ZR, Li XD, Yuan ZM, Zhang B. Rational design of self-amplifying virus-like vesicles with Ebola virus glycoprotein as vaccines Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 2024 [PMID: 39217415]

Escherichia coli

  1. Peterson E, Söderström B, Prins N, Le GHB, Hartley-Tassell LE, Evenhuis C, Grønnemose RB, Andersen TE, Møller-Jensen J, Iosifidis G, Duggin IG, Saunders B, Harry EJ, Bottomley AL. The role of bacterial size, shape and surface in macrophage engulfment of uropathogenic E. coli cells PLoS pathogens 20(9):e1012458 2024 [PMID: 39241059]
  2. Hu D, Ollagnier C, Hofer A, Girard M, Gutzwiller A, Bee G, Neuenschwander S. The genetic resistance of sows to Escherichia coli F4 adhesion reduces their response to a vaccine containing F4 fimbriae but does not affect the preweaning performance of their susceptible piglets Schweizer Archiv fur Tierheilkunde 166(9):451-458 2024 [PMID: 39225506]

Human immunodeficiency virus (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome)

  1. Hahn WO, Parks KR, Shen M, Ozorowski G, Janes H, Ballweber-Fleming L, Woodward Davis AS, Duplessis C, Tomai M, Dey AK, Sagawa ZK, De Rosa SC, Seese A, Kallur Siddaramaiah L, Stamatatos L, Lee WH, Sewall LM, Karlinsey D, Turner HL, Rubin V, Furth S, MacPhee K, Duff M, Corey L, Keefer MC, Edupuganti S, Frank I, Maenza J, Baden LR, Hyrien O, Sanders RW, Moore JP, Ward AB, Tomaras GD, Montefiori DC, Rouphael N, McElrath MJ. Use of 3M-052-AF with Alum adjuvant in HIV trimer vaccine induces human autologous neutralizing antibodies The Journal of experimental medicine 221(10) 2024 [PMID: 39235529]
  2. Williamson BD, Wu L, Huang Y, Hudson A, Gilbert PB. Predicting neutralization susceptibility to combination HIV-1 monoclonal broadly neutralizing antibody regimens PloS one 19(9):e0310042 2024 [PMID: 39240995]
  3. Maueia C, Murahwa A, Manjate A, Sacarlal J, Kenga D, Unemo M, Andersson S, Mussá T, Williamson AL. The relationship between selected sexually transmitted pathogens, HPV and HIV infection status in women presenting with gynaecological symptoms in Maputo City, Mozambique PloS one 19(9):e0307781 2024 [PMID: 39240843]
  4. Agrawal P, Knudsen ML, MacCamy A, Hurlburt NK, Khechaduri A, Salladay KR, Kher GM, Kallur Siddaramaiah L, Stuart AB, Bontjer I, Shen X, Montefiori D, Gristick HB, Bjorkman PJ, Sanders RW, Pancera M, Stamatatos L. Short CDRL1 in intermediate VRC01-like mAbs is not sufficient to overcome key glycan barriers on HIV-1 Env Journal of virology :e0074424 2024 [PMID: 39240111]
  5. Kenny A, van Duijn J, Dintwe O, Heptinstall J, Burnham R, Sawant S, Zhang L, Mielke D, Khuzwayo S, Omar FL, Stanfield-Oakley S, Keyes T, Dunn B, Goodman D, Fong Y, Benkeser D, Zou R, Hural J, Hyrien O, Juraska M, Luedtke A, van der Laan L, Giorgi EE, Magaret C, Carpp LN, Pattacini L, van de Kerkhof T, Korber B, Willems W, Fisher LH, Schuitemaker H, Swann E, Kublin JG, Pau MG, Buchbinder S, Tomaka F, Nijs S, Lavreys L, Gelderblom HC, Corey L, Mngadi K, Gray GE, Borducchi E, Hendriks J, Seaton KE, Zolla-Pazner S, Barouch DH, Ferrari G, De Rosa SC, McElrath MJ, Andersen-Nissen E, Stieh DJ, Tomaras GD, Gilbert PB. Immune correlates analysis of the Imbokodo (HVTN 705/HPX2008) efficacy trial of a mosaic HIV-1 vaccine regimen evaluated in Southern African people assigned female sex at birth: a two-phase case-control study EBioMedicine 108:105320 2024 [PMID: 39236556]
  6. Goje O, Kapoor A. Meeting the challenge of vaccine hesitancy Cleveland Clinic journal of medicine 91(9 suppl 1):S50-S56 2024 [PMID: 39231603]
  7. Ajiboye AS, Dunphy C, Vo L, Howard-Williams M, Ladva CN, Robinson SJ, McCord R, Gakh M, Weber R, Sunshine G. Changes in Self-Reported Mask Use After the Lifting of State-Issued Mask Mandates in 20 US States, February-June 2021 Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP 2024 [PMID: 39231391]
  8. Kepp KP, Bardosh K, De Bie T, Emilsson L, Greaves J, Lallukka T, Muka T, Rangel JC, Sandström N, Schippers MC, Schmidt-Chanasit J, Vaillancourt T. Zero-covid advocacy during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study of views on Twitter/X Monash bioethics review 2024 [PMID: 39225854]
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  10. Poli ANR, Tietjen I, Nandwana NK, Cassel J, Messick TE, Register ET, Keeney F, Rajaiah R, Verma AK, Pandey K, Acharya A, Byrareddy SN, Montaner LJ, Salvino JM. Design of novel and highly selective SARS-CoV-2 main protease inhibitors Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy :e0056224 2024 [PMID: 39225484]
  11. Janes H, Fisher LH, Kee JJ, Parameswaran L, Goepfert PA, Falsey AR, Ludwig J, Magaret CA, Gilbert PB, Kublin JG, Rouphael N, Sobieszczyk ME, El Sahly HM, Baden LR, Grinsztejn B, Walsh SR, Gray GE, Kotloff KL, Gay CL, Greninger AL, Tapia MD, Hammershaimb EA, Priddy FH, Green JA, Struyf F, Dunkle L, Neuzil KM, Corey L, Huang Y. Association Between SARS-CoV-2 Viral Load and COVID-19 Vaccination in 4 Phase 3 Trials The Journal of infectious diseases 2024 [PMID: 39225478]
  12. Zhang M, Yang C, Wu X, Wang Y, Wang L, Cui Q, Tong J, An Y, Cai M, Cheng S, Jiang Q, Wang Y, Zhao C, Wang Y, Huang W. Antigenic analysis of the influenza B virus hemagglutinin protein Virologica Sinica 2024 [PMID: 39233140]
  13. Gunasena M, Alles M, Demberg T, Mulhern W, Liyanage NPM. BCG immunization induced KLRG1+ NK cells show memory-like responses to mycobacterial and HIV antigens Cellular immunology 403-404:104865 2024 [PMID: 39226746]
  14. Kwon D. HIV: how close are we to a vaccine - or a cure? Nature 2024 [PMID: 39223275]
  15. McMahon WC, Kwatra G, Izu A, Jones SA, Mbele NJ, Jafta N, Lala R, Shalekoff S, Tiemessen CT, Madhi SA, Nunes MC. T-cell responses to ancestral SARS-CoV-2 and Omicron variant among unvaccinated pregnant and postpartum women living with and without HIV in South Africa Scientific reports 14(1):20348 2024 [PMID: 39223211]
  16. Chai Y, Han W, Zhang Y, Du Y, Wang B, Chen M, Li N, Luo W, Zha X, Wang L, Ou L. Cellulose acetate/metal-organic framework composite beads with macroporous adsorption channels as a novel hemoadsorbent for effective virus capture Biomaterials science 2024 [PMID: 39219491]
  17. Tian J, Chen S, Li X, Teng Y, Chen B. Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among first time visitors at STIs clinic in Hangzhou, China: Assessing the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic Immunity, inflammation and disease 12(9):e70009 2024 [PMID: 39222020]
  18. Lo VT, Lim HA, Jang SS, Kim MC, Chamfort AC, Kim HY, Mun DY, Kang MC, Lee HB, Kim S, Lee Y, Park S, Yoon SW, Kim HK. N121T and N121S substitutions on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein impact on serum neutralization Journal of medical virology 96(9):e29871 2024 [PMID: 39221474]
  19. Konishi K, Kutsuna S, Yamamoto K, Nomoto H, Shirano M, Yamato M, Yoshimura Y, Sakamoto N, Nagasaka A, Ohmagari N. Travel-associated sexually transmitted infections in Japan: An observational study using imported infectious disease registry data Global health & medicine 6(4):264-267 2024 [PMID: 39219585]
  20. Abreha BB, Fisseha G, Tsadik M, Legesse AY, Teka H, Abraha HE, Hadush MY, Gebrekurstos G, Ayele B, Hailu AG, Tsegay H, Ebrahim MM, Godefay H, Gebremariam T, Hagos T, Muoze K, Mulugeta A, Gebremeskel T. Under-five mortality during the war in Tigray: A community-based study Conflict and health 18(1):55 2024 [PMID: 39217333]
  21. Shivakumar M, Moe CA, Bardon A, Krows M, Govere S, Moosa MYS, Celum C, Drain PK. Hepatitis B prevalence and risk factors among adults living with HIV in South Africa: a clinic-based cohort study BMC infectious diseases 24(1):891 2024 [PMID: 39215251]
  22. Resto M, Vinitsky A, Schneck NA, Wolff JJ, Shajahan A, Cibelli N, Zhang Y, Li Y, Gulla K, Gowetski DB, Gall JG, Lei QP. Determination of degradation for sulfo-SIAB, SM(PEG)(2), and sulfo-GMBS by RPLC-UV analysis Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 251:116455 2024 [PMID: 39232447]
  23. Schwarzmüller M, Trkola A. ART-DEX: A novel strategy to monitor broadly neutralizing antibody activity during antiretroviral therapy of HIV-1 STAR protocols 5(3):103056 2024 [PMID: 39217609]
  24. Arhin RE, Donkor ES, Slotved HC, Kotey FCN, Dayie NTKD. Etiologic Profile of the Pneumococcus in Ghana: A Systematic Review BioMed research international 2024:8368996 2024 [PMID: 39229361]
  25. Schwarzmüller M, Lozano C, Schanz M, Abela IA, Grosse-Holz S, Epp S, Curcio M, Greshake J, Rusert P, Huber M, Kouyos RD, Günthard HF, Trkola A. Decoupling HIV-1 antiretroviral drug inhibition from plasma antibody activity to evaluate broadly neutralizing antibody therapeutics and vaccines Cell reports. Medicine :101702 2024 [PMID: 39216479]
  26. Tisoncik-Go J, Lewis TB, Whitmore LS, Voss K, Niemeyer S, Dai J, Kim P, Hubbell K, Iwayama N, Ahrens C, Wangari S, Murnane R, Edlefsen PT, Guerriero KA, Gale M, Fuller DH, O'Connor MA. Chronic innate immune impairment and ZIKV persistence in the gastrointestinal tract during SIV infection in pigtail macaques bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2024 [PMID: 39229223]
  27. Rodrigues KA, Zhang YJ, Aung A, Morgan DM, Maiorino L, Yousefpour P, Gibson G, Ozorowski G, Gregory JR, Amlashi P, Buckley M, Ward AB, Schief WR, Love JC, Irvine DJ. Vaccines combining slow delivery and follicle targeting of antigens increase germinal center B cell clonal diversity and clonal expansion bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2024 [PMID: 39229011]
  28. Pierce A. Management of occupational exposure to blood and body fluids in primary care Australian prescriber 47(4):113-118 2024 [PMID: 39228461]

Marburg virus

  1. Zhang HQ, Zhang YN, Deng CL, Zhu QX, Zhang ZR, Li XD, Yuan ZM, Zhang B. Rational design of self-amplifying virus-like vesicles with Ebola virus glycoprotein as vaccines Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy 2024 [PMID: 39217415]

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (tuberculosis)

  1. Shi H, Zhu Y, Shang K, Tian T, Yin Z, Shi J, He Y, Ding J, Wang Q, Zhang F. Development of innovative multi-epitope mRNA vaccine against central nervous system tuberculosis using in silico approaches PloS one 19(9):e0307877 2024 [PMID: 39240891]
  2. Deshpande A, Likhar R, Khan T, Omri A. Decoding drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex: genetic insights and future challenges Expert review of anti-infective therapy :1-17 2024 [PMID: 39219506]
  3. Yu S, Pan Y, Chen Q, Liu Q, Wang J, Rui J, Guo Y, Gavotte L, Zhao Q, Frutos R, Xu M, Pu D, Chen T. Analysis of the epidemiological characteristics and influencing factors of tuberculosis among students in a large province of China, 2008-2018 Scientific reports 14(1):20472 2024 [PMID: 39227742]
  4. Edem VF, Nkereuwem E, Agbla SC, Owusu SA, Sillah AK, Saidy B, Jallow MB, Forson AG, Egere U, Kampmann B, Togun T. Accuracy of Computer-Aided Detection for Tuberculosis ® on paediatric chest radiographs The European respiratory journal 2024 [PMID: 39227074]
  5. Rosenheim J, Abebe M, Belay M, Tulu B, Tayachew D, Tegegn M, Younis S, Jolliffe DA, Aseffa A, Ameni G, Reece ST, Noursadeghi M, Martineau AR. Detection of M. tuberculosis DNA in TB contacts' PBMC does not associate with blood RNA signatures for incipient tuberculosis The European respiratory journal 2024 [PMID: 39227070]
  6. Karunakaran KP, Yu H, Jiang X, Chan QWT, Sigola L, Millis LA, Chen J, Tang P, Foster LJ, Brunham RC. Immunoproteomic discovery of Mycobacterium bovis antigens, including the surface lipoprotein Mpt83 as a T cell antigen useful for vaccine development Vaccine 42(24):126266 2024 [PMID: 39232399]
  7. Gunasena M, Alles M, Demberg T, Mulhern W, Liyanage NPM. BCG immunization induced KLRG1+ NK cells show memory-like responses to mycobacterial and HIV antigens Cellular immunology 403-404:104865 2024 [PMID: 39226746]
  8. Diamond MB, Whistler T, Rando K, Nwachukwu C, Yousif M. Policy dimensions of global wastewater surveillance Bulletin of the World Health Organization 102(9):622-622A 2024 [PMID: 39219769]
  9. Li T, Du X, Jia Z, Zhao Y. A Modeling Study Recurrent Tuberculosis Towards End TB Strategy - China, 2025-2035 China CDC weekly 6(35):885-890 2024 [PMID: 39233997]
  10. Fong J, Chia DSY, Chew DEM, Wong KPL. Isolated remote site musculoskeletal Mycobacterium bovis infections after BCG immunisation in immunocompetent children Annals of the Academy of Medicine, Singapore 53(8):514-518 2024 [PMID: 39230319]
  11. Bautista ER, Alfabeto ARB, Manapat AE, Querol RILC, Garcia CMH. Early Outcomes of the Surgical Treatment of Non-traumatic Massive Pericardial Effusion in the University of the Philippines - Philippine General Hospital COVID-19 Referral Center Acta medica Philippina 58(14):13-26 2024 [PMID: 39238551]
  12. Ukai T, Kasamatsu A, Tabuchi T. Political Party Affiliation and COVID-19 Vaccination Status in Japan, 2022 Cureus 16(8):e66035 2024 [PMID: 39229434]
  13. Carter E, Morton B, ElSafadi D, Jambo K, Kenny-Nyazika T, Hyder-Wright A, Chiwala G, Chikaonda T, Chirwa AE, Gonzalez Sanchez J, Yip V, Biagini G, Pennington SH, Saunderson P, Farrar M, Myerscough C, Collins AM, Gordon SB, Ferreira DM. A feasibility study of controlled human infection with intradermal Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) injection: Pilot BCG controlled human infection model Wellcome open research 8:424 2023 [PMID: 39219857]
  14. Acharya HH, Thampy A, Karthik R, Rupali P. Disseminated mycobacteriosis secondary to intravenous Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine The National medical journal of India 37(2):86-88 2024 [PMID: 39222530]

Nipah virus

  1. Avanzato VA, Bushmaker T, Oguntuyo KY, Yinda CK, Duyvesteyn HME, Stass R, Meade-White K, Rosenke R, Thomas T, van Doremalen N, Saturday G, Doores KJ, Lee B, Bowden TA, Munster VJ. A monoclonal antibody targeting the Nipah virus fusion glycoprotein apex imparts protection from disease Journal of virology :e0063824 2024 [PMID: 39240113]
  2. Zhou D, Cheng R, Yao Y, Zhang G, Li X, Wang B, Wang Y, Yu F, Yang S, Liu H, Gao G, Peng Y, Chen M, Deng Z, Zhao H. An attachment glycoprotein nanoparticle elicits broadly neutralizing antibodies and protects against lethal Nipah virus infection NPJ vaccines 9(1):158 2024 [PMID: 39217188]

Plasmodium falciparum (Malaria)

  1. Mtei M, Mwasamila B D, Amour C, Bilakwate JS, Shirima LJ, Farah A, Mboya IB, Ngocho J, George JM, Msuya SE. COVID-19 vaccine confidence and its effect on vaccine uptake among people with hypertension or diabetes mellitus in Kilimanjaro region, Tanzania Human vaccines & immunotherapeutics 20(1):2396213 2024 [PMID: 39222941]
  2. Ajanovic S, Madewell ZJ, El Arifeen S, Gurley ES, Hossain MZ, Islam KM, Rahman A, Assefa N, Madrid L, Abdulahi M, Igunza KA, Murila F, Revathi G, Christopher M, Sow SO, Kotloff KL, Tapia MD, Traor CB, Mandomando I, Xerinda E, Varo R, Kincardett M, Ogbuanu IU, Nwajiobi-Princewill P, Swarray-Deen A, Luke R, Madhi SA, Mahtab S, Dangor Z, du Toit J, Akelo V, Mutevedzi P, Tippett Barr BA, Blau DM, Whitney CG, Bassat Q. Neurological Symptoms and Cause of Death Among Young Children in Low- and Middle-Income Countries JAMA network open 7(9):e2431512 2024 [PMID: 39226053]
  3. Harrison TE, Alam N, Farrell B, Quinkert D, Lias AM, King LDW, Barfod LK, Draper SJ, Campeotto I, Higgins MK. Rational structure-guided design of a blood stage malaria vaccine immunogen presenting a single epitope from PfRH5 EMBO molecular medicine 2024 [PMID: 39223355]
  4. Mohammed A, Bam V, Armah J, Kusi-Amponsah Diji A, Lomotey AY, Poku CA, Budu HI. Community awareness, knowledge and perception about malaria vaccine in the Kassena-Nankana East Municipality: A descriptive cross-sectional survey Nursing open 11(9):e70025 2024 [PMID: 39223744]
  5. Diamond MB, Whistler T, Rando K, Nwachukwu C, Yousif M. Policy dimensions of global wastewater surveillance Bulletin of the World Health Organization 102(9):622-622A 2024 [PMID: 39219769]
  6. Lin J, Yan X, Chung Z, Liew CW, El Sahili A, Pechnikova EV, Preiser PR, Bozdech Z, Gao YG, Lescar J. Inhibition of falcilysin from Plasmodium falciparum by interference with its closed-to-open dynamic transition Communications biology 7(1):1070 2024 [PMID: 39217277]
  7. Bailey RD, Lawton JG, Niangaly A, Stucke EM, Bailey JA, Berry AA, Ouattara A, Coulibaly D, Lyke KE, Laurens MB, Zhou AE, Pablo J, Jasinskas A, Nakajima R, Adams M, Takala-Harrison S, Kouriba B, Kone AK, Guindo A, Rowe JA, Diallo DA, Doumbo OK, Felgner PL, Plowe CV, Thera MA, Travassos MA. Children with hemoglobin C or S trait have low serologic responses to a subset of malaria variant surface antigens The Journal of infection :106257 2024 [PMID: 39216830]
  8. Tang WK, Salinas ND, Kolli SK, Xu S, Urusova DV, Kumar H, Jimah JR, Subramani PA, Ogbondah MM, Barnes SJ, Adams JH, Tolia NH. Multistage protective anti-CelTOS monoclonal antibodies with cross-species sterile protection against malaria Nature communications 15(1):7487 2024 [PMID: 39209843]
  9. Aranda-Díaz A, Vickers EN, Murie K, Palmer B, Hathaway N, Gerlovina I, Boene S, Garcia-Ulloa M, Cisteró P, Katairo T, Semakuba FD, Nsengimaana B, Gwarinda H, García-Fernández C, Da Silva C, Datta D, Kiyaga S, Wiringilimaana I, Fekele SM, Parr JB, Conrad M, Raman J, Tukwasibwe S, Ssewanyana I, Rovira-Vallbona E, Tato CM, Briggs J, Mayor A, Greenhouse B. Sensitive and modular amplicon sequencing of Plasmodium falciparum diversity and resistance for research and public health bioRxiv : the preprint server for biology 2024 [PMID: 39229023]
  10. Sharma P, Chaudhary NR, Devi S, Negi S, Tandel N, Tyagi RK. Oleuropein mediated autophagy begets antimalarial drug resistance Frontiers in microbiology 15:1453998 2024 [PMID: 39228384]
  11. Figueiredo I, Teixeira T, Nunes S, Figueiredo C, Fragoso J, Azevedo C, Moreira D, Malheiro L. Traveling Before, During, and After the Pandemic: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Travel Behavior and Travel Medicine Practice Cureus 16(8):e66247 2024 [PMID: 39238689]
  12. Dinzouna-Boutamba SD, Moon Z, Lee S, Afridi SG, Lê HG, Hong Y, Na BK, Goo YK. Population genetic analysis of Plasmodium vivax vir genes in Pakistan Parasites, hosts and diseases 62(3):313-322 2024 [PMID: 39218630]
  13. Zaib K, Khan A, Khan MU, Ullah I, Võ TC, Kang JM, Lê HG, Na BK, Afridi SG. Genetic structure of apical membrane antigen-1 in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Pakistan Parasites, hosts and diseases 62(3):302-312 2024 [PMID: 39218629]


  1. Castro-Vargas RE, Cullens-Nobis FM, Mani R, Roberts JN, Abuelo A. Effect of dry period immunization of Salmonella Dublin latent carriers with a commercial live culture vaccine on intrauterine transmission based on the presence of precolostral antibodies in offspring Journal of dairy science 2024 [PMID: 39216525]
  2. Savini F, Tomasello F, Indio V, De Cesare A, Fontana M, Panseri S, Prandini L, Serraino A, Giacometti F. Effect of infrared technology on the behavior of Listeria monocytogens, Salmonella spp. and Enterobacteriaceae in homogenized raw vaccine milk: preliminary results Italian journal of food safety 13(3):12379 2024 [PMID: 39233701]


  1. Kelly M, Janardhanan J, Wagh C, Verma S, Charles RC, Leung DT, Kamruzzaman M, Pansuriya RK, Chowdhury F, Vann WF, Kaminski RW, Khan AI, Bhuiyan TR, Qadri F, Kováč P, Xu P, Ryan ET. Development of a Shigella conjugate vaccine targeting Shigella flexneri 6 that is immunogenic and provides protection against virulent challenge Vaccine 42(24):126263 2024 [PMID: 39217775]

Variola major (Smallpox)

  1. Ganesan A, Arunagiri T, Mani S, Kumaran VR, Sk G, Elumalai S, Kannaiah KP, Chanduluru HK. Mpox treatment evolution: past milestones, present advances, and future directions Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology 2024 [PMID: 39225831]
  2. Eze U, Okafor N, Ozota G, Nworie K, Asogwa C, Richard I, Ilochonwu AP, Ezeasor S, Okorie C, Ben-Umeh K, Ezeh A, Aboh M, Isah A. Assessment of the knowledge of healthcare workers on monkeypox in Nigeria GMS hygiene and infection control 19:Doc38 2024 [PMID: 39224502]

Yersinia pestis (Plague)

  1. Okui N. Shibasaburo Kitasato (1853-1931): Pioneer of Japanese Medicine and Global Immunology Innovator Cureus 16(8):e68276 2024 [PMID: 39221365]

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