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BCG vaccine vector

Vaxvec ID 12
Vaccine Vector Name BCG vaccine vector
Alternative Names Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccine vector; rBCG vaccine vector
Vector VO ID VO_0001023
Function BCG is commonly used as a human vaccine against tuberculosis. It is also often used as a bacterial vaccine vector against many diseases, such as malaria and HIV (Kanekiyo et al., 2005).
Advantage Relatively inexpensive to produce; easy to administer; induces strong cellular immune responses (Kanekiyo et al., 2005). Recombinant BCG is able to produce and secrete antigens. It may also be used against allergic diseases (Kumar et al., 1999).
Disadvantage Induction of persistent tuberculin positivity in vaccinated individuals; necrotic reactions in those individuals with the Koch phenomenon (Kumar et al., 1999).
Storage Stored by freeze-drying, but stabilization methods need improvement. (Gheorghiu et al., 1996)
Safety Live, attenuated. As a human tuberculosis vaccine, its safety has been proven.
Related Vaccine(s)
Gheorghiu et al., 1996: Gheorghiu M, Lagranderie M, Balazuc AM. Stabilisation of BCG vaccines. Developments in biological standardization. 1996; 87; 251-261. [PubMed: 8854025].
Kanekiyo et al., 2005: Kanekiyo M, Matsuo K, Hamatake M, Hamano T, Ohsu T, Matsumoto S, Yamada T, Yamazaki S, Hasegawa A, Yamamoto N, Honda M. Mycobacterial codon optimization enhances antigen expression and virus-specific immune responses in recombinant Mycobacterium bovis bacille Calmette-Guérin expressing human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Gag. Journal of virology. 2005; 79(14); 8716-8723. [PubMed: 15994765].
Kumar et al., 1999: Kumar M, Behera AK, Matsuse H, Lockey RF, Mohapatra SS. A recombinant BCG vaccine generates a Th1-like response and inhibits IgE synthesis in BALB/c mice. Immunology. 1999; 97(3); 515-521. [PubMed: 10447775].