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Cov19VaxKB Introduction

The emergence of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has severely impacted human populations on a global scale. As of March 1, 2021, over 116 million confirmed cases of COVID-19 had been recorded worldwide since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, resulting in over 2.5 million deaths. In order to reduce the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 within human populations, researchers worldwide have developed vaccines immunizing against SARS-CoV-2.

Many resources on COVID-19 vaccines currently exist, but these diverse sources of information remain relatively un-integrated and lack a centralized database that can be easily accessed by researchers and the public. To address the many needs related to COVID-19 vaccines and provide a publicly accessible repository of COVID-19 vaccine information, we have developed the COVID-19 Vaccine Knowledge Base (or DataBase), abbreviated as Cov19VaxKB.

Developed as a relatively independent program under the umbrella of the VIOLIN system, the Cov19VaxKB COVID-19 vaccine knowledge database is focused on the collection, annotation, integration, and analysis of COVID-19 vaccine data for all stages of vaccine development. Cov19VaxKB also contains features that allow users to analyze data related to vaccine efficacy, safety, and mechanism. All data in Cov19VaxKB is manually curated and derived from a broad range of sources including the WHO, FDA, and NIH.

Below is a list of resources and features offered in Cov19VaxKB:

  • Comprehensive lists of COVID-19 vaccines in the preclinical, Phase 1-3, and authorized stages of development
  • A query to search and compare COVID-19 vaccines by keywords and properties
  • News articles and updates of COVID-19 vaccine developments
  • Links to helpful resources about COVID-19 vaccine research, development, distribution, and policies
  • Vaccine design literature
  • Vaccine immune response analysis
  • Vaccine adverse event analysis
  • Data synchronization with VIOLIN and Vaccine Ontology

In addition, all curated COVID-19 vaccine data are presented in the community-based Vaccine Ontology (VO; The inclusion of licensed human vaccines in VO supports vaccine data standardization, data exchange, and automated reasoning.