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T. cruzi DNA prime/Protein-boost vaccine encoding TcG2 and TcG4 T. cruzi Vaccine TcVac4
Vaccine Information Vaccine Information
  • Vaccine Name: T. cruzi DNA prime/Protein-boost vaccine encoding TcG2 and TcG4
  • Type: Prime-boost vaccine with DNA vaccine priming
  • Status: Research
  • Host Species for Licensed Use: None
  • Antigen: TcG2 and TcG4 (Gupta et al., 2015) - T. cruzi encoding plasmids which have elicited a strong Th1 - type antibody response dominated by immunoglobin G2b (IgG2b)/IgG1 isotypes. (Bhatia and Garg, 2008)
  • G2 gene engineering:
    • Type: DNA vaccine construction
    • Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
  • TcG4 gene engineering:
    • Type: DNA vaccine construction
    • Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
  • Adjuvant:
  • Adjuvant:
  • Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
  • Description: A DNA-prime/protein boost therapeutic vaccine encoding TcG2 and TcG4 aimed to determine if GPx1, an antioxidant, protects the heart form chagasic pathogenesis. (Gupta et al., 2015)
  • Vaccine Name: T. cruzi Vaccine TcVac4
  • Type: Prime-boost vaccine with DNA vaccine priming
  • Status: Research
  • Host Species for Licensed Use: Human
  • Host Species as Laboratory Animal Model: dog
  • Antigen: TcG1, TcG2, and TcG4 (Aparicio-Burgos et al., 2015) - T. cruzi encoding plasmids which have elicited a strong Th1 - type antibody response dominated by immunoglobin G2b (IgG2b)/IgG1 isotypes. (Bhatia and Garg, 2008)
  • G2 gene engineering:
    • Type: DNA vaccine construction
    • Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
  • protein G4 gene engineering:
    • Type: DNA vaccine construction
    • Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
  • TcG4 gene engineering:
    • Type: DNA vaccine construction
    • Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
  • Adjuvant:
  • Adjuvant:
  • Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
  • Description: A DNA - prime/T. rangeli - boost (TcVac4) vaccine encoding TcG1, TcG2, and TcG4 antigens plus IL-12 and GM-CSF-encoding plasmids(Aparicio-Burgos et al., 2015)
References References
Bhatia and Garg, 2008: Bhatia V, Garg NJ. Previously unrecognized vaccine candidates control Trypanosoma cruzi infection and immunopathology in mice. Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI. 2008; 15(8); 1158-1164. [PubMed: 18550728].
Gupta et al., 2015: Gupta S, Smith C, Auclair S, Delgadillo Ade J, Garg NJ. Therapeutic Efficacy of a Subunit Vaccine in Controlling Chronic Trypanosoma cruzi Infection and Chagas Disease Is Enhanced by Glutathione Peroxidase Over-Expression. PloS one. 2015; 10(6); e0130562. [PubMed: 26075398].
Aparicio-Burgos et al., 2015: Aparicio-Burgos JE, Zepeda-Escobar JA, de Oca-Jimenez RM, Estrada-Franco JG, Barbabosa-Pliego A, Ochoa-García L, Alejandre-Aguilar R, Rivas N, Peñuelas-Rivas G, Val-Arreola M, Gupta S, Salazar-García F, Garg NJ, Vázquez-Chagoyán JC. Immune protection against Trypanosoma cruzi induced by TcVac4 in a canine model. PLoS neglected tropical diseases. 2015; 9(4); e0003625. [PubMed: 25853654].
Bhatia and Garg, 2008: Bhatia V, Garg NJ. Previously unrecognized vaccine candidates control Trypanosoma cruzi infection and immunopathology in mice. Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI. 2008; 15(8); 1158-1164. [PubMed: 18550728].