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Vaxjo ID 67
Vaccine Adjuvant Name NAGO
Alternative Names Neuraminidase-galactose oxidase
Adjuvant VO ID VO_0001306
Description NAGO is a primary adjuvant that contains a mixture of the two enzymes containing 10 units NA & 50 units of GO per 1 ml, of aqueous solution and antigen is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly. It is comparable in effectiveness to Freund's complete adjuvant, but is non-reactogenic. It is especially effective in the induction of CD8 it toxic T-cell responses (Vogel and Powell, 1995).
Stage of Development Research
Components NAGO is a mixture of the two enzymes- neuraminidase and galactose oxidase Ag 1:5 ratio in units of activity. The primary amino acid sequences of the two enzymes are appended (Vogel and Powell, 1995).
Structure NAGO is a mixture of the two enzymes-neuraminidase and galactose oxidase Ag 1: 5 ratio in units of activity. The primary amino acid sequences of the two enzymes are appended (Vogel and Powell, 1995).
Molecular Weight GO -68,500. NA -
Storage Long term storage: GO at -20° C, NA at 40° C (Vogel and Powell, 1995).
Preparation GO is biochemically purified from Dactylium dendroides. It has an activity of approximately 800 units per mg of protein and is commercially available from Sigma Chemical Co. (Cat No. G3385) as a partially purified lyophilized powder containing 25% protein to be reconstituted in buffered saline. NA is biochemically purified from Vibrio cholerae. It has an activity of 25 units per μg of protein and is commercially available from Merck Ltd. (BDH Laboratory Supplies) Merck House, Poole, Dorset BH12 1BR UK (Vogel and Powell, 1995).
Function NAGO generates cell surface Schiff base-forming aldehydes on antigen presenting cells and Th-cells, thereby amplifying physiologic Schiff base formation that occurs between cell-surface ligands as an essential element in APC:T-cell inductive interaction. It is a potent non-inflammatory adjuvant with viral, bacterial and protozoal subunit vaccines, and is especially effective in the generation of cytotoxic T-cells (Vogel and Powell, 1995).
Safety Histopathology studies in mice showed that NAGO is less inflammatory than alum and produced no adverse local or systemic reactions (Vogel and Powell, 1995).
Related Vaccine(s)
Vogel and Powell, 1995: Vogel FR, Powell MF. A compendium of vaccine adjuvants and excipients. Pharmaceutical biotechnology. 1995; 6; 141-228. [PubMed: 7551218].