- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004731
- Type: Recombinant vector vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species for Licensed Use: Baboon
- Vector:
- Preparation: Three commercially available equine WNV vaccines in horses: (i) an inactivated WNV vaccine (K-WN), (ii) a modified-live vaccine (CP-WN) containing the WNV prM and E proteins expressed by a canarypox vector, (iii) a live-chimera vaccine (WN-FV) containing WNV prM and E proteins expressed in a YF17D vector (Seino et al., 2007).
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004736
- Type: Recombinant vector vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species for Licensed Use: Baboon
- PrM
gene engineering:
- Type: Recombinant vector construction
- Description: A canarypox vector expressing PrM and E genes (Karaca et al., 2005).
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- E protein
gene engineering:
- Type: Recombinant vector construction
- Description: A canarypox vector expressing PrM and E genes (Karaca et al., 2005).
- Detailed Gene Information: Click Here.
- Vector:
- Preparation: Canarypox vector expressing PrM and E genes of West Nile virus (WNV) (ALVAC-WNV) (Karaca et al., 2005).
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
- Vaccine Ontology ID: VO_0004712
- Type: Recombinant vector vaccine
- Status: Research
- Host Species for Licensed Use: Baboon
- Vector:
- Preparation: A recombinant MV vaccine expressing the secreted form of WNV envelope glycoprotein (Brandler and Tangy, 2013).
- Immunization Route: Intramuscular injection (i.m.)
Seino et al., 2007: Seino KK, Long MT, Gibbs EP, Bowen RA, Beachboard SE, Humphrey PP, Dixon MA, Bourgeois MA. Comparative efficacies of three commercially available vaccines against West Nile Virus (WNV) in a short-duration challenge trial involving an equine WNV encephalitis model. Clinical and vaccine immunology : CVI. 2007; 14(11); 1465-1471. [PubMed: 17687109].
Karaca et al., 2005: Karaca K, Bowen R, Austgen LE, Teehee M, Siger L, Grosenbaugh D, Loosemore L, Audonnet JC, Nordgren R, Minke JM. Recombinant canarypox vectored West Nile virus (WNV) vaccine protects dogs and cats against a mosquito WNV challenge. Vaccine. 2005; 23(29); 3808-3813. [PubMed: 15893618].
Brandler and Tangy, 2013: Brandler S, Tangy F. Vaccines in development against West Nile virus. Viruses. 2013; 5(10); 2384-2409. [PubMed: 24084235].