pCMV-1 DNA vaccine plasmid |
DNA Vaccine Plasmid ID |
24 |
DNA Vaccine Plasmid Name |
pCMV-1 DNA vaccine plasmid |
Plasmid VO ID |
Plasmid Length (in bp) |
3849bp |
Promoter Names |
Antibiotics Resistant Gene |
ampicillin resistance gene |
Related Vaccine(s) |
References |
Balasa et al., 2001: Balasa B, Boehm BO, Fortnagel A, Karges W, Van Gunst K, Jung N, Camacho SA, Webb SR, Sarvetnick N. Vaccination with glutamic acid decarboxylase plasmid DNA protects mice from spontaneous autoimmune diabetes and B7/CD28 costimulation circumvents that protection. Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.). 2001; 99(2); 241-252. [PubMed: 11318596].
pCMV-1 sequence: [http://ac.els-cdn.com/S1521661601950120/1-s2.0-S1521661601950120-main.pdf?_tid=90d69c1c494370be47c2e23240d038e1&acdnat=1343059263_f45a8f04f6c6947316c675f0c193d908]