Vaxign-MLVaxign-ML (Vaxign - Machine Learning) is a machine learning-based vaccine candidate prediction and analysis system based on the principle of reverse vaccinology. Vaxign-ML standalone version is available in Docker. Source code is avaiable in GitHub Please see the Vaxign Documentation for tutorial or more information. Vaxign-ML Query:Citing Vaxign-ML: Ong E, Wang H, Wong MU, Seetharaman M, Valdez N, He Y. Vaxign-ML: supervised machine learning reverse vaccinology model for improved prediction of bacterial protective antigens. Bioinformatics. 2020 Feb 25. pii: btaa119. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btaa119. PMID: 32096826 [Journal Link] Your suggestions and comments are welcome. Thank you.