Housing for ICoVax 2012 Workshop
If you like to stay close to the Tongji University where the workshop is held, here we would like to recommend three hotels:
- 同济戴斯大酒店 Days Hotel Tongji Shanghai
Tel: (86) 4006-313-299;
URL: http://www.daysinn.cn/hotel/tongji_a.htm
Address: No.50, Zhangwu Road,Yangpu Area, Shanghai, China.
- 同济锦江之星白玉兰酒店 Tongji Jinjiang Magnolia hotel
URL: http://www.huilv.com/SH/Home.asp?id=7243&type=3
Address: No.1251, Siping Road,Yangpu Area, Shanghai, China.
- 同济干巡楼(Tongji Expert hotel, in the University)
(86) 021-65980858
URL: http://www.dianping.com/shop/4093120
Address: No.50, Chifeng Road,Yangpu Area, Shanghai, China.(inside of the Tongji University)
All these hotels are near Tongji University with walking minutes.
Alternatively, if you also attend the general ISV Vaccine Congress meeting, you can reserve a room at the Marriott Shanghai City Centre, where the general meeting is held. More information is available here: http://www.vaccinecongress.com/conference-accommodation.html.