Call for Papers to ICoVax 2012
The 2nd ISV ICoVax workshop will include oral presentations of full-length papers, poster presentations of accepted abstracts, and software demo. All accepted papers will be published in one of two peer-reviewed journals: BMC Bioinformatics ( and Immunome Research (
The topics to be covered include, but are not limited to:
- Computational methods to predict protective vaccine antigens and immune epitopes
- Reverse vaccinology approaches for genome-wide vaccine target identification and vaccine development
- Analysis of vaccine-induced host responses using high throughput omics methods (e.g., microarrays)
- Case studies of applying bioinformatics approaches in vaccine development
- Informatics methods for improving surveillance of vaccine safety and efficacy
- Modeling of impact of vaccine immunizations against target diseases (e.g., pandemic influenza)
- Vaccine and immunoinformatics database and analysis systems
- Vaccine data integration and literature mining
- Development of software programs in computational vaccinology and immunology, or programs that belong to general biology but can be applied in vaccine and immunology research
- Bioinformatics algorithms that can be potentially used in vaccine R&D
- Computational biology network appliable to immmunology and vaccine studies
The full paper submission needs to follow the journal format, i.e., the instructions for BMC Bioinforamtics authors, or the instructions for Immunome Research authors. It is noted that the BMC Bioinformatics journal does not accept review articles for this workshop. The abstract will be one page following the ISV general congress meeting format. You can use this abstract example as your template.
Full papers and abstracts need to be submitted through Easychair:
Please notice the following timetable:
- Submission due day for full-length papers, poster abstracts, and software demo applications: August 31 (Friday), 2012. (Note: this deadline is extended from the original August 1, and later August 12, 2012)
- Registration for reduced rate ($75): Any time before the workshop (Note: the registration fee covers refreshment and lunch). Please register in the general conference registration site (Notes: In the general conference registration site, our ICoVax2012 workshop is labeled as " ICoVax2012 Satellite". You can get reduced rate for the general meeting if you register before August 15th. However, if you prefer, you can register for ICoVax workshop only without registering for the general meeting.).
- Announcement of acceptance: September 1-15, 2012
- Full-length paper final submission: Sunday, September 30, 2012 (Note: an unaccepted full-length paper will automatically be allowed for poster presentation)
- ICoVax workshop: October 13 (Saturday), 2012 (one day earlier than the general ISV Global Congress conference), Shanghai, China.
Update: By including accepted full-length papers submitted to our workshop, we will eventually generate a special issue(s) of Computational Vaccinology in the journal BMC Bionformatics or Immunome Research. You can submit your papers to our workshop Easychair website for peer review for possible inclusion in this special issue without having to attend the workshop in person.