Vaximmutordb SubmissionVaximmutordb submission system is part of VIOLIN data submission system. The vaximmuntor bioinformatics curation was achieved through an internally developed, web-based literature curation and analysis system. Specifically, for VaximmutoDB data curation, the papers annotated came from the PubMed literature database. The annotation of the data in the papers was achieved based on pre-defined database schema (or categories). With a PubMed paper ID or a Gene ID, our system is able to to retrieve all related information about the literature citation or the gene, respectively. The system also allows an annotator to submit data and a reviewer to double check, edit if needed, and approve the submitted annotations. Only after the review and approval by a domain expert, the information is available in the VaximmuntorDB website for users to query and browse. More information can be found on theĀ VIOLIN account registration and data submission tutorial website.